Roxanne Sholevar, MD
Study Psychiatrist & Co-Investigator
Dr. Roxanne Sholevar is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist practicing in Boston, MA. She is on staff at Dana Farber Cancer Institute where she sees adult patients with cancer, and an instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School where she teaches medical students and residents. She is a study psychiatrist and therapist in the DFCI psychedelic-assisted therapies program, doing clinical research on indications and treatment modalities of psychedelic-assisted therapies in patients with serious illness. In addition to these research roles, she has developed educational programming and training across Harvard Medical School institutions on psychedelic-assisted therapies, and is the lead in developing a ketamine-assisted psychotherapy program at Dana-Farber. She is a candidate in adult psychoanalysis at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and sees patients in private practice. She has interest in public speaking and graphic design, which she has found useful in clinical and educational work.
Contact: [email protected]